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Original quality Organic Blue Lotus Dried Whole Flowers 100 gm / Kacha Store

₹500.00 ₹700.00

Blue Lotus

Blue lotus has a relatively broad spectrum of activity. Narcotic, hypnotic, aphrodisiac, euphoric, ecstatic, sedative, as well as mild entheogenic and hallucinogenic experiences, are reported. In addition to reducing social inhibitions and changes in the pattern of thinking, the feeling of empathy and compassion is enhanced. After consuming Nymphaea caerulea, it is not uncommon to fall asleep and wake up only when the body considers itself rested. In addition, it relieves by a numbing effect. In many countries on the earth, Blue lotus is famous as an Aphrodisiac!

● 100% NATURAL

About Blue Lotus Dried Whole Flowers (Nymphaea caerulea)

In addition to reducing social inhibitions and changes in the pattern of thinking, the feeling of empathy and compassion is enhanced. After consuming Nymphaea caerulea, it is not uncommon to fall asleep and wake up only when the body considers itself rested. In addition, it relieves a numbing effect. In many countries on the earth, the Blue lotus is famous as an Aphrodisiac!

An Ancient Egyptian Flower Offering Numerous Health Benefits And Peace Of Mind

Nymphaea caerulea, the Blue Lotus is also known as Blue Water Lily. This plant is well known for its psychoactive effects and it is being used for thousands of years. Blue Lotus is believed to be originated from Egypt and some parts of Northern Africa around the river Nile. Now, this plant is well known in all parts of the world. Blue Lotus is also commonly found in some parts of Asia, and India, and sometimes it is confused with another plant Nelumbo nucifera which is known as Sacred Lotus.

Blue Lotus has significant importance in various cultural aspects of ancient Egyptians. They were commonly using this plant for its mild psychedelic, and aphrodisiac properties. Moreover, the Blue Lotus was the first plant to be used as a party drug. This plant can be still found in the walls of ancient tombs, so researchers are believing that the psychoactive effects of Blue Lotus were also used for religious purposes. While ancient paintings having Blue Lotus and wine together are providing evidence that Egyptians used this plant to make tinctures and alcoholic beverages.

The use of this plant has been reported for adding flavor to beverages, baking, and cooking, in many parts of Asia. Blue Lotus is a tropical water lily plant and it grows well in the still water in the presence of full sunny conditions or partial shade. These plants are sensitive to wind and water splashing. Typically, its flowers are blooming from mid-summer to the end of summer. Usually, this plant grows in rivers, and lakes and its leaves, seeds, flowers, and rhizomes are used for different purposes. Its flowers are opened in the morning and show beautiful petals having a shiny golden center. Whereas, these flowers are closed in the evening so, this plant is also called sun gods or sacred flower of the sun.

Effects Of Blue Lotus Dried Flowers

The psychoactive effects of Blue Lotus can be attributed to the presence of alkaloids such as aporphine, and nuciferine. Nuciferine acts as a blocker for the dopamine receptor and is also found in the Sacred lotus. Whereas, the function of aporphine is to act as a dopamine agonist and causes the activation of dopamine receptors. This compound causes the stimulation of euphoric, uplifted, and happy feeling.

The effects of Blue Lotus are quite variable among different individuals and may cause mild sedatives, calming, and relaxing, mild analgesics, nervine, euphoria, tactical sensation enhancement, increased dream state, pleasant synergy with psychedelics, alcohol, and marijuana.

Medicinal Benefits Of Blue Lotus

Blue Lotus offers multiple benefits to improve human health by positively impacting body metabolism and treating various health disorders. It helps to improve sleep patterns and sleep quality by reducing depression, and anxiety. This plant is also used for treating gastrointestinal diseases.

Different scientific studies have revealed that biochemical compounds found in the Blue Lotus have a significant role to protect the brain, heart, liver, and skin. These compounds cause regulation of blood flow, breaks down the fats, kill bacteria, and cancer cells, reduce swelling, and blood sugar level.
Moreover, it causes the regulation of the urinary system, reducing pain, muscle relaxation, increasing memory power, easing menstruation cramps, regulation of periods, soothing dry skin, promoting lucid dreaming, bringing happiness in the persons suffering from depression, reducing stress, and alleviating anxiety.

Different Ways To Use Blue Lotus

Blue Lotus is being used for numerous purposes including a sexual enhancer, aphrodisiac, stimulant, and as a remedy against health disorders, and illness. There are plenty of ways to use Blue Lotus such as in the form of absolute oil, essential oil, resin, powder, extract, tinctures, wine, and tea.

Preparation Of Blue Lotus Tea

Blue Lotus can be used to make tea at home. Take around 3-5 grams of  Nymphaea caerulea flowers, soak them well in 1-2 cups hot water for  7-10 minutes. Please feel free to add sugar or honey for your personal taste


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